Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10. 2014

Heyya Wolves!

Ok, I might be the only one in the pack who believes all is not lost for our Wolves.

Honestly, I don't have a clue as to what the decision will be from USFWS, Secretary Sally Jewell, and Director Dan Ashe as to how they will rule for delisting our Gray Wolves from the Endangered Species Act.

I am hoping that they will see that a million and half comments opposing their decision to even consider delisting our wolves from endangered status, will carry some weight. After all, it was the first time in the history of existence of the E.S.A. that so many people spoke up.
Heaven knows we tried to reach them through petition after petition, an onslaught of tweets with beautiful wolf photos, 6 tweetstorms, and relentless nagging to leave a comment for them during the almost year long period for the public to weigh in.

We are supposed to hear from USFWS in June 2014.
If they decide to delist, I can say for certain that we will see lawsuits from our Wolf organizations in protest of what I see as a dangerous, politically motivated, premature decision to turn our wolves over to state led Fish and Game services,  who are questionably managing our wolves by increasing the wolf hunt quotas.

I still have faith!
It is not over.
We will win for our Gray Wolves.

Here are the actions I am aware of that are still valid for us to take for our wolves.

1. Ask USFWS to list Alaska’s Tongass Rain Forest Alexander Archipelago wolf as endangered or threatened. There are two petitions here, a link to submit your comment directly to USFWS, and postcard comments to send if you do not have time to write your own.
Deadline is May 30. 2014

2. Follow @MexcianWolves and see their website here, for our Lobos, the Mexican Gray Wolves of the Southwest.

Read about Arizona’s Fish and Game Cooperating Agencies Alternative here:

Contact your state representative and ask them to speak out against the Arizona Fish and Game proposal that will adversely affect our critically endangered Mexican Gray Wolves. Find their email contact information here:

3. Sign and share the petition from Defenders of Wildlife requesting that USFWS review Idaho’s wolf policy status, to be considered for relisting Idaho wolves as endangered species under the E.S.A.

4. Sign and share this petitions urging USFWS to rescind their proposal to delist Gray Wolves from the 38 states in the USA where they still remain as protected species under the E.S.A.
From Environmental Action:
Science Says : Save the Wolves!

5. Follow Howling for Wolves to help our Wolf friends in Minnesota:

6. Follow Wolves of Douglas County to learn how to help #BanWolfHounding in the state of Wisconsin.
Wolves of Douglas Co @rachelwt72
Dedicated wolf advocacy, education, and methods of coexisting with wolves 
Western Wisconsin

Take action by contacting The Wisconsin Department of Tourism and tell them that Wolf Hounding hurts Wisconsin :

Thank you for taking the time and interest to help protect our Wolves.



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